Privacy Policy


If you are using this website, you agree with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy as well. By accessing this website, you agree on to the usage of your personal information in any manner mentioned in the privacy policy. The policy is a call for both the users who only visit the website but do not transact and also for the members who transact business on our website.

However, your personal information may only be used to contact you or for providing you with various offers and special deals. You personal information consists of your name, contact number, email-id, fax number, identification number, financial profiles and your most importantly credit card credentials.


To become a member of our website, we need to have your certain personal information, While apart from this, if you just wish to visit our website, it will collect certain details about your computer personal information like its IP Address. However, we must tell you that your computer’s IP address do not define your personal identity.

We do not direct any of our products or services to children below 13 years of age. We also do not ask any personal information about the child of below 13 years of age. Our products and services are not at all or intentionally targeted at children.


Our QB Data Experts collects and store your information for some significant use only.

These information are required for various purposes such as:

  • Website related news and Services
  • To monitor and improve the Website
  • To determine the number of visitors to the Website
  • To know the geographical locations of the visitors
  • For special offers available on the Website
  • To provide you a better shopping online experience.


We would like to notify you that, when you place an order, some of your personal data would be transferred to other companies like vendors, courier companies, credit card processing companies, etc for enabling them to perform their duties, so that you could receive your order as soon as possible.

QB Data Experts does not approve unauthorized persons or organization for any usage of your personal information that our QB Data Experts might have gathered from you through this Website.

However, the QB Data Experts in rare cases has to reveal your information or identity without notice to you. These rare cases include subpoenas, court orders or other legal process.

Cookies are known to be small bits of information that is stored by your browser for the usage to figure out your visits and for assisting the QB Data Experts. However, the cookies are not used to store for information for outside usage.